Engineering and Technology International Journal
<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;">Engineering And Technology International Journal (EATIJ) is a scientific journal published by the Cendikia Mulia Mandiri Foundation for the development of publications for researchers in the field of Engineering and Technology in Indonesia, and as a means of publishing research results and sharing the development of engineering science and technology. which have never been published before in the form of research or applied research articles, articles related to technological developments and management used in the industrial world. All submitted articles will go through a 'peer-review process' after meeting the requirements according to the article writing guidelines. This journal is published every four months, namely in March, July and November.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><strong>E - ISSN : 2714-755X<br />Prefix DOI : 10.556442<br />Editor Jurnal Engineering and Technology International Journal (EATIJ)<br /></strong></span><span style="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><strong><span style="color: #5f6368; font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: center; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: nowrap; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;"><strong style="box-sizing: border-box; font-weight: bolder; color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87); font-family: helvetica; font-size: small; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;">Frequency 3 Issue in 1 Years<br />Published : Vol.1 ( Maret ) - Vol.2 ( Juli ) - Vol.3 ( Nopember )<br /><br /></strong></span></strong></span></p>YCMMen-USEngineering and Technology International Journal2714-755XEffect of Material Type and Design on Hook Crane Performance: Stress, Deformation, and Safety Factor Analysis
<p>This simulation aims to evaluate the stress, deformation, and strain values of the crane hook structure to ensure safe load handling and prevent functional failure. In this study, AISI 1015, AISI 1035, and alloy steel casing materials were tested, along with two different hook designs: trapezoidal and circular. The trapezoidal design had base dimensions of 34.50 mm and 58.00 mm, with a top surface area of 55.00 mm and a radius of 10.00 mm. The circular design has a diameter of 58.00 mm. Simulations were carried out using SolidWorks on AISI 1015 with Mass 10 tons, stress 279.68 N/mm², displacement 0.61 mm. on AISI 1035: Mass 12 tons, stress 310.11 N/mm², displacement 0.61 mm. on Alloy steel with Mass 8.5 tons, stress 236.87 N/mm², displacement 0.59 mm. For circular design on AISI 1015 with a mass of 9.5 tons, stress 279.69 N/mm², displacement 0.57 mm. on AISI 1035 with a mass of 10 tons, stress 310.25 N/mm², displacement 0.76 mm. Alloy steel with a mass of 8 tons, stress 237.28 N/mm², displacement 0.55 mm. Each material exhibits different mechanical characteristics, which affect stress, deformation and strain. Based on the results, the AISI 1035 material with a circular design supports a maximum load of 9.5 tons, achieving a safety factor of 1.68, which is close to the minimum threshold of 1.8 for safe operation.</p>AmirFathan Mubina DewadiMuchammad chusnan apriantoWahyudin MaulanaAfif SaputraMusfik AmrullohIrgi RamadhanAntonius Apriyadi Anugraha
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering and Technology International Journal
2024-09-182024-09-1860211412810.55642/eatij.v6i02.827Design and Construction of Cassava Grating Machine Using 220 V Electric Motor Voltage
<p>Cassava shredding machine has become an integral part of the modern food industry, facilitating the process of grating cassava quickly and efficiently. In this context, this study describes the design of a cassava grater machine that adopts a 220 V electric motor voltage as the main power source. In the design of this machine, the electric motor voltage of 220 V was selected with careful consideration of efficiency and performance. This report describes the main components of the machine, including the electric motor, special grater blades, frame and safety mechanism. Also described is the process of grating cassava which occurs through the rotation of an electric motor, giving smooth and consistent grating results. The advantages of using a 220 V electric motor voltage are revealed in this article, focusing on greater power and power stability. In the context of the food industry, these machines have the potential to increase the productivity and quality of the final product. This research contributes to further understanding of the utilization of 220 V electric motor voltage in the design of a cassava grater machine. Its potential implications in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the grating process and its impact in the food industry make this research relevant and valuable in the development of future food technology.</p> <p> </p>Rizki Tri RamdaniAmirKaryadi
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering and Technology International Journal
2024-09-302024-09-3060212913710.55642/eatij.v6i02.830Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Cuti Elektronik (SiCute) Aparatur Sipil Negara Pemerintah Kota Salatiga
<p>Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) merupakan pondasi utama dalam pelaksanaan pemerintahan dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. ASN memerlukan waktu istirahat untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara pekerjaan dan kehidupan pribadi serta kesehatan fisik dan mental. Ketidakseimbangan ini dapat menurunkan produktivitas dan kinerja organisasi. Salah satu cara meningkatkan produktivitas ASN adalah dengan pemberian cuti. Manajemen pengelolaan cuti ASN di Pemerintah Kota Salatiga masih manual yang mengakibatkan kesalahan pemberian cuti yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sistem yang dapat mempermudah manajemen cuti ASN dan dapat mewujudkan pelaksanaan tertib administrasi kepegawaian di Pemerintah Kota Salatiga. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah metode <em>waterfall</em>. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka. Perancangan sistem dengan menggunakan <em>Unified Modelling Language</em> (UML). Metode pengujian sistem menggunakan <em>blackbox testing</em>. Penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu sistem berbasis website pada Pemerintah Kota Salatiga, yang terdapat tiga aktor antara lain pegawai, admin perangkat daerah, dan admin kota. <em>Database</em> sistem menginduk pada Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kepegawaian (SIMPEG) Pemerintah Kota Salatiga. Hasil pengujian dengan metode <em>blackbox testing</em> menunjukkan bahwa sistem berhasil berjalan dengan baik dan layak diimplementasikan. Implementasi sistem ini dapat diakses melalui</p>Chasmim Rohmadhan MursyidFirdhaus Hari Saputro Al HarisHardika Khusnuliawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering and Technology International Journal
2023-07-252023-07-25602445710.55642/eatij.v6i02.772Optimization of Production Processes through Lean Manufacturing Techniques in the Automotive Industry
<p>The objectives of this study are to identify and analyze the most effective Lean Manufacturing techniques in improving the efficiency of the production process in the automotive industry and identify the types of waste that occur in the automotive production process and develop strategies to reduce or eliminate them through the application of Lean ManufacturingMethod in this study is to identify the main themes in the literature regarding Lean Manufacturing techniques, implementation challenges, and impacts on production efficiency and quality, combine the analysis results to provide a comprehensive picture of Lean Manufacturing implementation, including best practices and recommendations, assess the quality and relevance of the literature, and identify gaps in existing research. Lean implementation often faces challenges such as change resistance, resource limitations, and the need for intensive training. Literature studies note that successful Lean implementation depends on managerial support and organization-wide commitment. Lean techniques are proven to improve production efficiency by reducing cycle time, decreasing lead time, and improving material flow. 5S techniques improve organization and cleanliness in the workplace. Identification of the types of waste in the automotive production process can significantly reduce or eliminate such waste. Well-implemented Lean techniques can reduce costs and improve product quality simultaneously, providing mutually supportive benefits and increasing customer satisfaction and company profitability.</p>Fathan DewadiAde SuharaRizki Aulia NandaKaryadi KaryadiAmir Amir
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering and Technology International Journal
2024-07-252024-07-25602586510.55642/eatij.v6i02.795Analisis Postur Kerja Karyawan Dengan Metode Nordic Body Map (NBM) Dan Rapid Under Limb Assesment (RULA)
<p>Penelitian ini dilakukan di UMKM X pada bagian <em>Quality Control</em> dan <em>Packing</em> dengan tujuan menganalisis postur kerja karyawan. Metode yang digunakan adalah <em>Nordic Body Map</em> (<em>NBM</em>) dan <em>Rapid Upper Limb Assessment</em> (RULA). Hasil analisis postur kerja menggunakan metode NBM menunjukkan bahwa pekerja 1 memiliki risiko cedera otot pada bagian pinggang, pekerja 2 pada kaki kanan dan kiri, serta pekerja 3 pada punggung, lengan atas kiri, pinggang, dan lengan atas kanan. Skor <em>NBM</em> menunjukkan bahwa tingkat risiko cedera pekerja 1 dalam kategori "Rendah" pada skala Likert 1 dengan total skor individu antara 28-49, yang berarti belum diperlukan tindakan perbaikan. Sementara itu, risiko cedera pekerja 2 dan 3 berada dalam kategori "Sedang" pada skala Likert 2 dengan total skor individu antara 50-70, yang mengindikasikan perlunya tindakan perbaikan di masa mendatang. Berdasarkan metode <em>RULA</em>, pekerja 1 dan pekerja 2 mendapatkan skor akhir 5, dan pekerja 3 mendapatkan skor akhir 6. Ketiga pekerja tersebut berada pada tingkat risiko 3 yang berarti "Sedang" dan memerlukan tindakan segera. Usulan perbaikan meliputi penyediaan meja dan kursi kerja yang dapat disesuaikan, serta memungkinkan ketiga pekerja untuk beristirahat sekitar 10 menit selama bekerja untuk meregangkan otot. Hasil penelitian sangat penting sebagai acuan perbaikan postur kerja.</p>Indri Ayu SansabilaHarmoko HarmokoRisal NgizudinRaditya Jarwenda Novasani
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering and Technology International Journal
2024-07-252024-07-25602667710.55642/eatij.v6i02.732Evaluation of Science Implementation in Mechanical Engineering Design Curriculum Class 2A State Polytechnic of Jakarta Pekalongan City Campus Academic Year 2023/2024
<p>The influence of science in mechanical engineering design is very significant. Science provides a foundation of in-depth knowledge of the principles of physics, mathematics, and chemistry that are used to design efficient and innovative machines. The method used is a quantitative method with descriptive statistics. This method is an approach to research that focuses on data collection and data analysis based on numbers or quantities. From the method presented, it can be concluded that this method can make it easier to make better decisions based on structured numerical information. The results of this research refer to 3 parameters, namely kurtosis value, maximum value and minimum value. several other parameters are also displayed such as mean value, standard error, median, mode, standard deviation, sample variance, skewness, range, sum and count. It can be concluded from this study that the data does not have a normal distribution because the kurtosis number is not 0. Based on the data descriptive statistics, the maximum value<br>in this study is 31, the minimum value in this study is 20.</p>Fathan Mubina DewadiSupriyadi SupriyadiAbel Raffi Putra SulaimanMuhamad Taufik Ulhakim
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering and Technology International Journal
2024-07-252024-07-25602788610.55642/eatij.v6i02.730Penerapan Metode FMEA untuk Mengidentifikasi Pemborosan: Literatur Review
<p>FMEA (<em>Failure Mode And Effect analysis</em>) adalah alat atau tool yang terstruktur untuk mengidentifikasi mode kegagalan serta, dampak penyebabnya dan mencegah resiko terjadinya suatu kegagalan. FMEA banyak digunakan di industry baik di sektor jasa maupun sektor manufaktur. Dalam paper ini mencoba mengeksplorasi penerapan metode FMEA di segala sektor dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dengan mengurangi kegagalan. Paper ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis bibiliometrik untuk melihaat perkembangan penerapan metode FMEA dari berbagai literatur yang telah dikumpulkan. Literatur yang diperoleh dari database google scholar, dengan periode waktu dari tahun 2022 sampai 2024 berjumlah 200 literatur dalam penjaringan pertama, selanjutnya dilakukan review lebih dalam dengan membatasi jumlah artikel berjumlah 13 artikel yang mengimplementasikan metode FMEA. Akhirnya metode FMEA merupakan metode yang efektif di sektor manufaktur maupun sektor jasa</p>Surya Indrawan
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering and Technology International Journal
2024-07-252024-07-25602879310.55642/eatij.v6i02.770Instalasi Dan Commisioning Compressed Natural Gas Compressor Type P95B 2BVTN3 Kapasitas 990 SM3/H
<p>Pada saat ini bahan bakar bukan yang dihasilkan dari bumi sudah sangat menipis dan emisi gas yang dihasilkan oleh bahan bakar sangat mempengarhui terjadinya peningkatan pemanasan global. Untuk itu diperlukan substitusi bahan bakar yang lebih ramah lingkungan dengan emisi gas sekecil mungkin. Natural gas adalah bahan bakar yang saat ini digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif pengganti bahan bakar minyak. Pengelolaan gas alam memerlukan berbagai sistem tata Kelola antara lain pendistribusian gas menggunakan sistem <em>virtual gas paping </em>atau disebut dengan gas alam terkompresi. Gas tersebut didistribusikan menggunakan tangki bertekanan tinggi dari stasiun pengisian gas alam ke masing-masing pengguna atau pelanggan. Salah satu faktor yang memenuhi kriteria distribusi gas adalah tekanan gas yabg didistribusikan ke pengguna, tekanan gas tersebut harus mampu disimpan pada tekanan tinggi yang pada umumnya berkisar antara 200 bar sampai 250 bar. Untuk mencapai tekanan tersebut diperlukan gas kompresor yang mampu menekan gas hingga 250 bar yaitu <em>piston double acting.</em> Untuk mendapatkan mesin yang mampu melakukan kompresi sesuai dengan karakteristik yang diperlukan maka penyesuaikan dilakukan dalam perencanaan, pemilihan, <em>design, </em>instalasi, <em>commissioning </em>yang baik agar kapasitas yang diisyaratkan dapat terpenuhi dengan baik.</p>Cahyo WibowoHerbert Hasudungan SiahaanOjakma Sihar Panaili T
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering and Technology International Journal
2024-07-252024-07-256029410310.55642/eatij.v6i02.746Designing a Prototype System for Sales Transaction Reconciliation and Guest Data Management
<p>This research focuses on the design and development of a prototype information system for transaction recap and guest data management at PT. XYZ. The research addresses the challenges of data inaccuracies and inefficiencies observed in the current system. The methodology includes a comprehensive literature review, followed by interviews, observations, and the application of the waterfall model for system design. The proposed prototype features a web-based interface designed to streamline transaction recording, data management, and reporting processes. The system aims to enhance operational efficiency and data accuracy. Initial evaluations of the prototype indicate improvements in data management, although further refinements are needed before the system can be fully implemented. This research provides valuable insights into the development of effective information systems tailored to organizational needs.</p>Sherly Agustini
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering and Technology International Journal