The Influence of Leadership Style on Employee Performance at the Sahabat Cooperative of the Buol Regency
Influence, leadership style, performanceAbstract
The problem in this study is how much influence the leadership style has on the performance of employees at the Sahabat Multipurpose Cooperative of Buol Regency. The research time is 3 months, for data collection techniques with literature study methods, surveys, questionnaires. The population and sample in this study were 21 employees, the sampling technique in this study used a saturated sample technique. The types of data are qualitative and quantitative. The data analysis technique used is for qualitative data using a Likert scale, and for quantitative analysis using the Correlation Coefficient of Determination, and the T-test. The results showed that the value of the correlation coefficient was r = 0.82371 or 82.37% which was interpreted very strongly. The value of the coefficient of determination was (Kd)2 = 0.67849 which means that Leadership Style has a significant effect on,85% of employee performance. While the remaining 32.15% is influenced by other variables. For the t-test, the results show t count = 6.163372486 while t table = 2.101 so it can be concluded that the hypothesis that there is an influence of leadership style on employee performance is acceptable.
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