The Celebrity Phenomenon In The Business Industry (Netnographic Study Of Celebrity Opportunities In The Job Market)
Celebrity Phenomenon, Endorsement, and OpportunityAbstract
Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms and is favored by active users reaching 500 million with 22 million of them coming from Indonesia. Several new phenomena such as celebgrams emerged from Instagram users, where they did endorsement and paid promotion businesses by utilizing the number of followers. This study aims to find out how the celebgram phenomenon occurs in the city of Pontianak and whether the celebgram profession as an informal sector has opportunities in the job market. The research was conducted on several celebgrams in Pontianak City. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach and a netnographic study. Data collection techniques used in this study were participant observation, interviews, and documentation. The results in this study indicate that the celebgram phenomenon in Pontianak City occurs because of trends on Instagram, celebgrams use followers to open service businesses in the form of endorsements and paid promotions. They do various ways and lead followers' opinions to get feedback. The celebgram profession as one of the jobs in the informal sector has good prospects and has the competence and opportunity to make celebgram a job.
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