The Effect Of Promotion Cost And Selling Prices On Sales Volume Of Esculin Perfume Products In Pt. Sinar Kencana Multi Lestari


  • Darwin Kesuma STIE Serelo Lahat



PT. Sinar Kencana Multilestari, analysis requirements, sales


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotion costs and selling prices on the sales volume of Eskulin perfume products at PT Sinar Kencana Multilestari. The analysis used in this thesis is descriptive statistical analysis, requirements analysis test and classical assumption test, and inferential statistical analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis is descriptive statistics are statistics used to analyze data by describing or describing the data that has been collected, analysis requirements test and classical assumption test are used to analyze with model feasibility testing, while inferential statistical analysis is a statistical technique used to analyze data sample and the results are applied to the population. Through the analyzes that have been done, the authors get the results of the simultaneous test (F test) obtained a significance of 0.006. Then the promotion cost and selling price simultaneously have a significant effect on the sales volume of PT Sinar Kencana Multilestari. And for (t-test) Promotional Cost T-test (X1) with Sales Volume (Y) it was found to be partially significant at 0.008 shows that there is a significant effect on the Sales Volume ( Y ) of PT Sinar Kencana Multilestari. t-test Selling Price (X2) with Sales Volume (Y) with a significant level of 0.014 partially shows that there is a significant effect on the Sales Volume ( Y ) of PT Sinar Kencana Multilestari. The result of the calculation of the coefficient of determination is 0.987 or 98.7% explained by the two independent variables while the rest (1 – 0.987 = 0.013 ) or 1.3% is explained by other factors such as product quality and distribution channels.


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