The Socio-Economic Influence of the Workers of the Batik Industry Center
Industry, Batik Center, Batik VillageAbstract
Industry is a form of economic activity that is widely developed in various regions. In Indonesia itself, the current industrial development has experienced such rapid development. Not only in cities, but also in rural areas, various industrial activities, especially small and medium industries have been explored. This study aims to describe the history of the batik industry center in Kampung Terih, describe the economic benefits of the batik industry center in Kampung Kunir Kidul for employees, and describe the social changes of the community. batik industry center worker community in Kampung Terih. This research method uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. The results showed that the history of the batik industry center in Kampung Terih began with batik training to the community by the pioneers of the batik business. Batik industry centers are useful for the working class as job opportunities and tools to improve the economy. the majority of workers experience social changes, such as changes in livelihoods, loss of status as unemployed and productive behavior from other productive jobs. The change from an economic perspective is that workers experience an increase in the economy compared to before.
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