Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Alokasi Umum Dan Dana Alokasi Khusus Terhadap Belanja Modal Pada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota Di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah
Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) , Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU), Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) dan Belanja ModalAbstract
The Influence of Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds, and Special Allocation Funds on Capital Expenditures in Regency/City Governments in Central Sulawesi Province, Supervisor I Mr. Edi Yanto and Supervisor II Mr. Alfansyah Fathur. This study aims to determine whether Regional Original Income (PAD), General Allocation Funds (DAU), and Special Allocation Funds (DAK) have a significant positive effect on Capital Expenditures in Regency / City Governments in Central Sulawesi Province. The data source is secondary data, namely data obtained through the official website of the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance (DJPK) The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis of panel data using the Eviews 12 application. The results show that: (1) Local Revenue (PAD) has a negative and insignificant effect on Capital Expenditures in Regency / City Governments in Central Sulawesi Province (2) The General Allocation Fund (DAU) has a positive and insignificant effect on Capital Expenditures in Regency/City Governments in Central Sulawesi Province (3) The Special Allocation Fund (DAK) has a positive and significant effect on Capital Expenditures in Regency/City Governments in the Province Central Sulawesi (4) Regional Original Revenue (PAD), General Allocation Fund (DAU), and Special Allocation Fund (DAK) have a positive and significant effect on Capital Expenditures in Regency/City Governments in Central Sulawesi Province.