The Effect of Organizational Culture and Workload on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as A Mediating Variable on Cv. Asia Raya Komputama Surabaya
Organizational culture, Employee performance, Workload, Job satisfaction, mediatorAbstract
In this research, job satisfaction will be used as a mediating variable to examine how corporate culture and workload affect employee performance. A sample of all 40 employees from the computer firm CV. Asia Raya Komputama Surabaya participated in the research. Partial Least Square was used to assess the data after it was obtained through a questionnaire (SmartPLS). The findings revealed that organizational culture had a favorable but not statistically significant impact on worker performance and a favorable and statistically significant impact on job satisfaction. Employee performance was positively and significantly impacted by workload, while job satisfaction was negatively but insignificantly impacted. Employee performance was positively but marginally impacted by job satisfaction. The relationship between corporate culture, workload, and employee performance was not moderated by job satisfaction. The study suggests that businesses concentrate on reducing workload to improve employee performance and developing a favorable corporate culture to raise employee performance and job satisfaction.
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