The Effect Of Reward Toward Work Performance : A Literature Review


  • Subhan Akbar Abbas STMIK AMIKA Soppeng



Compensation, Work Performance, Job Satisfaction


Work performance becoming an important aspect in ensuring the company overall performance, the work performance can be influence by many aspect and factors, one of this factors is job satisfaction and motivation, in order to create the satisfaction and motivation there are several ways, one of which is to provide compensation as token of appreciation, compensation proven to be one of the determining factors that could influence motivation and form a job satisfaction by creating the feeling of appreciation toward the employee contribution to their company or workplace. This paper are purposing in exploring the fact about compensation influence toward work performance, using qualitative methods by library research and deductive thinking method to draw relevant conclusion, this paper provide a result that suggest compensation to be indeed one of the work performance enhancers aspect. By giving compensation the company will motivate their worker to better, faster, harder yet very effective and efficient. This optimal work performance will then increase the overall performance of the company and hence able to provide more compensation and multiply the effect of compensation in the future and double the performance each period from time to time, lead to competitiveness and high productivity of the company.


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