Literature Review On Waqaf’s Role In Influencing Social Welfare


  • Dian Novianti Institut Agama Islam DDI Sidenreng Rappang
  • Alamsyah Alamsyah Institut Agama Islam DDI Sidenreng Rappang



Waqf, Social Welfare, Economic Development, Productive Waqf


Waqf is one of many form of wealth transfer and distribution in Islam, most of Muslim country have feels the positive effect and contribution that waqf manage to give toward social and economic aspect of life, through waqf economic development can be achieve by productive activity, in which waqf are contributing in many economic activity that lead to productive behavior, this would then form and build social welfare. This paper used a qualitative approach, analyzing and formulating conclusions by using deductive reasoning, resulting in few things to note as the conclusion for this paper. The result stated that waqf as financial instrument have been used for sake of community, in which waqf are used to build social facility for social welfare such as prayer house, school and university, also healthcare, and many other facilities like house for orphan. The change in method to harness waqf however, known as productive waqf, in which this waqf are used to build a facility that could provide return or a place to conduct business for those who need it. As for recommendation, this paper recommends for the next researcher to explore the practice of waqf, to ensure there is no misuse in distributing waqf.


