The Effect Of 5P Marketing Elements During The Covid-19 Pandemic On Consumer Purchase Decisions At The UKM Gallery Central Java Jenderal Ahmad Yani Airport Semarang


  • Angelia Rizky Aurinaya Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Amalia Nur Chasanah Universitas Dian Nuswantoro



product, price, promotion, place, people, and purchase on consumers decisions


Research aims to understand and analyzes influence marketing elements 5P during pandemic covid-19 of the decision of the consumer at the UKM Gallery Central Java Jenderal Ahmad Yani Semarang. Population in this research is those who buy UKM Gallery Central Java Jenderal Ahmad Yani Airport Semarang. The sample in research using sampling purposive. Analysis with Statistic Package for the Sciences Social (SPPS). The results of the analysis Statistic Package for the Sciences Social (SPPS) variabel places and people obtained factors that have a positive and significant impact on consumer purchasing decisions. While the product, price, and promotion variables obtained factors that are not significant to consumer purchasing decisions. The variables in this study are sufficient to explain consumer purchasing decisions at the UKM Gallery Central Java Jenderal Ahmad Yani Airport Semarang according to the data that has been obtained.


