
  • Syaripuddin Al-Amanah Jeneponto Institute of Islamic Religion



BUMDesa, Governance, Independent village development, Institutional economics.


One way for the village government to implement the Law on Villages is by establishing a Village BUM. This gives them the authority to innovate in village development, especially to improve the economy and welfare of village communities. The aim of this research is to determine the conditions and management procedures of BUM Cahaya Kaluku Village in carrying out its activities. This research uses a qualitative approach. The results of this research indicate that the condition of BUM Cahaya Kaluku Village, Kaluku Village, has fulfilled the objectives of its formation and has the ability to improve the village economy. However, the management of BUM Cahaya Kaluku Village, Kaluku Village still faces obstacles, such as the types of businesses that can be run, limited human resources to manage BUM Cahaya Kaluku Village, and low community participation due to lack of knowledge.


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