Pendidikan Kesehatan Perencanaan Kehamilan Sehat Pada Kader Posyandu Desa Bendosari Kabupaten Sukoharjo
Pregnancy is a series of processes that begin with conception or the meeting of the ovum with healthy sperm and continue with fertilization, nidation and implantation. A healthy pregnancy requires physical, mental and knowledge preparation, therefore pregnancy planning must be done before pregnancy. Cadres have an important role in planning a healthy pregnancy by providing education to the public about the importance of planning a pregnancy, maintaining reproductive health, and understanding the cycle and signs of a healthy pregnancy. Cadres also help increase awareness about the use of contraception, provide information about balanced nutrition during pregnancy, and monitor the health of the mother and fetus through routine check-ups. In addition, cadres direct couples or pregnant women to appropriate health services and reduce unwanted pregnancies, while encouraging family and community participation to support the health of pregnant women, thereby ensuring healthy and safe pregnancies. This service activity takes the form of health education activities using the lecture method in large groups with a total of 36 participants. Of all activity participants, the pre-test results showed an average score of 78.9, while the post-test results showed an average score of 97.8. This shows an increase in the average score of 18.9 points. This activity succeeded in increasing posyandu cadres' knowledge about healthy pregnancy by 24%, which can be seen from the increase in participants' understanding of healthy pregnancy planning.