Pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam Berbasis Multimedia

Multimedia-Based Islamic Cultural History Learning


  • Syaifudin Zuhri MIN 6 Jember



Education, Multimedia, Culture, Islam


Education and teachers are an inseparable unit, therefore teachers are one of the main factors for the success of education. Therefore, it is not surprising that for every educational innovation, teachers are always the key in the development of education in the country. For this reason, teachers are required to master understanding strategies and learning in order to create effective and fun learning for students, because with fun learning students are easy to accept the material presented and will be more easily understood by students. This paper is to describe the concept and application of multimedia learning media in Islamic Cultural History in madrasas. Where learning is a process of interaction or activity between teachers and students in changing behavior that arises from experience by using or functioning various sources, methods, strategies and existing learning media to achieve learning or educational goals that are applied to the subject of Islamic Cultural History with utilize the existing multimedia in accordance with the existing situation and conditions of the educational institution. The application of multimedia-based Islamic cultural history learning cannot be separated from religious motivation, the calling of the soul in educating so that it becomes a teacher's motivation in implementing a learning, so teachers will always carry out their duties as educators sincerely, and are not burdened by trying to maximize the role and function of the media. in the learning process by paying attention to the existing strategies according to the conditions and learning objectives.


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