Concept Analysis of Logical Think of High School Students in Environmental Pollution Lessons


  • Rony Harianto IAIN Madura



Thinking Logically, Science Learning, Environmental Pollution


 This study aims to determine, 1) The logical thinking ability of students in the science subject of environmental pollution class VII SMA Negeri 3 Pemek a san. 2) Factors that affect the logical thinking ability of class VII students are the polluting materials environment of SMA Negeri 3 Pemek a san. The method used in this research is qualitative. The analytical technique used is the Miles and Haberman analysis technique. The subjects in this study were six students, with the criteria of two high skills, two medium skills, and two low skills. The tool used is an environmental pollution test with three levels of logical thinking: impaired thinking, ability to reason, and drawing conclusions. Based on logical thinking analysis shown that 1) Subjects with high skill criteria show good logical thinking skills. Thus, subjects with moderate ability criteria show adequate logical thinking skills. Meanwhile, subjects with low skill criteria showed poor logical thinking skills. 2) Factors that can affect the logical thinking ability of SMA Negeri 3 Pemekasan students are motivation, skills start, strategy learning, and condition physical.


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