Analisis Kesulitan Membaca Teks Puisi Pada Siswa Kelas II Sekolah Dasar

Analysis of Difficulty Reading Poetry Texts in Grade II Elementary School Students


  • Bayu Purbha Sakti Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten
  • Sri Suwartini Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten
  • Bayu Aji Saifudin Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten



reading at the beginning, 2013 curriculum, reading poetry


There is a problem of difficulty reading the beginning of the new poetry material experienced by grade II students at SD Negeri 1 Towangsan, Klaten Regency. There are still many students who do not have the ability to read properly and correctly. This is evidenced by the results of reading competence in the lower grades of elementary school, it is still found that children whose reading ability has not reached the specified standard, namely KKM 70 and still have difficulty learning to read with unsatisfactory reading skills. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method. This study uses data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. This research was analyzed by data reduction, presentation, and verification. The conclusions obtained relating to this research are several things that can be analyzed. The poetry teaching materials used were taken from the 2013 revised 2017 curriculum student books. There were 7 students who were unable to read poetry due to their lack of initial reading ability in the new poetry material. There is also a lack of student interest in reading because there are no pictures that attract students' willingness and lack of external support such as gifts or awards that can motivate students to be more active in learning to read. When the learning took place there were some students who enthusiastically paid attention to the poetry material delivered by the teacher and there were some students who were busy playing alone. When reading poetry itself there are still some students who have difficulty in learning to read poetry.


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