Sakai Community: Tracking The Identity Of The Forgotten Ancient Malay Tribe From Riau Province, Indonesia


  • Rika Sari Hasiholan- Sidauruk STIA Lancang Kuning
  • Rachel Arini Partogi Hasiholan- Sidauruk University of Riau
  • Anggie Hasiholan- Sidauruk SMA Santo Tarcisius Dumai
  • Christ Windreis STMIK Dharmapala Riau
  • Freddy Hasiholan Sidauruk Innovation and Research Institute for Regional Potency



Sakai, identity, history, Riau, Sumatra


Sakai's identity has recently begun to be recognized as a customary law community in Riau Province, however this recognition is still partial from a communal identity perspective. This research will specifically describe the search for Sakai as a collective identity among people who have a genealogical relationship with ancient people who previously lived on the coast of the Mandau River. Identity tracing is used as an administrative consideration for policy makers in Riau Province, Bengkalis Regency and other districts/cities related to Sakai's existence, as well as a means to decipher the “missing link” in discussions regarding Sakai's existence which should be connected directly in the related historical series.


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