Impoliteness Expressions of Students and Teachers in English Classroom Interaction at IAI Al-Amanah Jeneponto


  • Ekawati Institut Agama Islam Al Amanah Jeneponto
  • Sudharmono Institut Agama Islam Al Amanah Jeneponto



Impoliteness, Students and Teachers, Classroom Interaction


This research focused on investigating students and teachers’ impoliteness expressions. The researcher collected the data by conducting classroom observations and interview and analyzing the data by adopting a qualitative research. The research was conducted at the second semester at IAI Al-Amanah Jeneponto in 2023/2024 academic year. The result shows that the students and teachers used impoliteness expressions in teaching. The students preferred the teacher to use impolite expressions in delivering the material. According to them, using impolite language made the students easier to understand the material delivered by the teacher. They argued that teaching method and including the variation of teacher’s language in teaching gave a significant improvement to the students’ achievement and understanding. According to Culpeper theory (1996), there are five strategies of impolite expressions used by students and teachers in the classroom. Those are (1) bald on record impoliteness (2) positive impoliteness (3) negative impoliteness (4) sarcasm or mock politeness and (5) withhold politeness.


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