Quality Internship By LMS Application: Case Study At Bappeda Litbang Bone Bolango District
Internship, LMS, Bappeda Litbang, Bone Bolango, Digitalization, Professionalism.Abstract
Bappeda Litbang Bone Bolango Regency acts as a regional technical institution that has the authority in Regional Development Planning, Research and Innovation, and provides internship opportunities for students to hone their skills and gain work experience. However, the main challenge in conducting the internship program is the lack of e-learning utilization system such as the Learning Management System (LMS), which can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the internship program. This study aims to examine the possibility of applying LMS in the internship program at Bappeda Litbang Bone Bolango Regency. The results of the study indicate that the application of LMS can improve the quality of interaction between students and mentors, as well as enrich the learning experience during the internship. With this digitalization, internship program is expected to be more efficient and effective, yet supporting the improvement of student professionalism.
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