About the Journal

This journal publishes a wide range of article in this discipline covering all modern trends in clinical and experimental research associated with Public Health, Human Health Safety, Health Education, Health Care System, Health Professional, Health Equity, Health Effects, Health Hazard, Health Risk, Nutrition Policies, Food safety, Hygiene, Safety Programs, Risk Assessment, Chronic Disease, Statistical Significance, Processed Food, Quality of Life, Primary Care, Infectious Diseases, Globalization, Nutrition, Risk Management, Adverse Health Effects, Genetic Factors and creates a platform for the authors to contribute towards the journal. The scope of the journal is not limited to the listed research areas but covers a lot more areas globally. The editorial office promises to peer review the submitted manuscripts and ensures quality.

E-ISSN : 2715-5854
Prefix DOI : 10.55642
Editor Jurnal  Public Health and Safety International Journal (PHASIJ) :

Frequency 2 Issue in 1 Years
Published : Vol.1 ( April ) -  Vol.2 ( Oktober )

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 01 (2024): Jurnal Public Health and Safety International Journal (PHASIJ)

E-ISSN : 2715-5854

Published: 2024-04-22


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Journal title Public Health and Safety International Journal
Initials PHASIJ
Frequency April & Oktober
DOI 10.36352
Online ISSN 2614-7602
Editor-in-chief Sholihul Abidin
Publisher Yayasan Cendikia Mulia Mandiri
Indexing Google Sholar | Copernicus  | Garuda