Design Mockup of the Teacher Attendance Monitoring Information System at SMK Ibnu Sina Batam
Desain Mockup Sistem Informasi Pemantauan Kehadiran Guru di SMK Ibnu Sina Batam
Information System, Teacher Attendance, Prototype, SMK Ibnu Sina Batam, Web-Based System.Abstract
Teacher attendance is a crucial aspect in maintaining the quality of education in schools. SMK Ibnu Sina Batam currently employs a manual method for recording teacher attendance, which is prone to errors, delays in data compilation, and a lack of transparency in reporting. This study aims to develop a web-based information system mock-up to monitor teacher attendance more efficiently, accurately, and transparently.
The research adopts the prototype model, which allows system development by involving users in each stage. The designed mock-up includes key features such as user login, attendance recording, teacher data management, and attendance report generation. The analysis results indicate that a web-based system offers advantages over the manual method in terms of recording speed, data security, and information accessibility.
The findings suggest that a web-based teacher attendance monitoring system can serve as an effective solution to enhance school administration efficiency. Further implementation is recommended by incorporating biometric features and a mobile version to improve system functionality.
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